The film begins with Mick Dundee (played by Paul Hogan) living happily with his girlfriend Sue Charlton (played by Linda Kozlowski) and their son Mikey in the Australian Outback. Sue, now a successful journalist, receives an offer to become the Los Angeles bureau chief for her father’s newspaper.
Excited for the opportunity, Sue moves to Los Angeles with Mikey, while Mick decides to stay behind in the Outback. However, Mick soon grows restless and decides to follow Sue and Mikey to Los Angeles to experience life in the big city.
Upon arriving in Los Angeles, Mick finds himself out of his element and bewildered by the modern conveniences and urban lifestyle. Despite his initial struggles, Mick’s charming and laid-back personality wins over the residents of Los Angeles, including Sue’s colleagues and friends.
Meanwhile, Sue is tasked with investigating a mysterious film studio that may be involved in illegal activities. With Mick’s help, she uncovers a smuggling operation involving counterfeit money and exotic animals, leading to a series of action-packed escapades and hilarious misadventures.
As Mick and Sue work together to unravel the mystery, they must also navigate the challenges of parenthood and the strains on their relationship caused by their conflicting lifestyles and priorities.
In a climactic showdown, Mick and Sue confront the villains behind the smuggling operation and thwart their plans, saving the day and restoring order to Los Angeles. Along the way, they reaffirm their love for each other and their commitment to their unconventional family.
In the end, Mick and Sue decide to return to the Australian Outback, where they can live a simpler and more fulfilling life surrounded by nature and each other. As they bid farewell to the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles, they cherish the memories of their adventures and look forward to the next chapter of their lives together.
“Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles” is a lighthearted and entertaining comedy that blends fish-out-of-water humor with thrilling action sequences and heartfelt moments. Through its endearing characters and humorous situations, the film celebrates the spirit of adventure and the enduring bonds of love and family.