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The movie follows the story of John Constantine (played by Keanu Reeves), a cynical and world-weary exorcist and demon hunter who has the ability to see angels and demons in their true forms. Constantine is tormented by the knowledge that he is damned to Hell due to a suicide attempt in his youth, and he seeks redemption by fighting against the forces of darkness.

Constantine is approached by Angela Dodson (played by Rachel Weisz), a police detective whose twin sister Isabel committed suicide under mysterious circumstances. Angela believes that Isabel’s death was not a suicide but rather the result of a demonic possession, and she seeks Constantine’s help in uncovering the truth.

As Constantine and Angela investigate Isabel’s death, they uncover a sinister plot involving the demon Mammon (voiced by Peter Stormare), who seeks to unleash Hell on Earth by using a powerful artifact known as the Spear of Destiny. Constantine and Angela must race against time to stop Mammon and prevent the apocalypse.

In the climax of the film, Constantine confronts Mammon and engages in a fierce battle to prevent him from obtaining the Spear of Destiny. With the help of Angela and his friend and ally Chas Kramer (played by Shia LaBeouf), Constantine manages to defeat Mammon and destroy the artifact, saving the world from destruction.

However, Constantine’s victory comes at a cost, as he sacrifices his own life to stop Mammon and fulfill his destiny. As he lies dying, Constantine is visited by the angel Gabriel (played by Tilda Swinton), who offers him a chance at redemption and forgiveness for his sins.

The film concludes with Constantine accepting Gabriel’s offer and sacrificing himself to save Angela’s life, ensuring that she can continue her fight against the forces of darkness. Constantine’s selfless act earns him redemption and allows him to ascend to Heaven, where he finds peace at last.

Overall, “Constantine” is a dark and atmospheric supernatural thriller that explores themes of redemption, sacrifice, and the battle between good and evil. With its compelling storyline, stunning visuals, and strong performances, it offers an engaging movie experience for fans of the genre.

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