The story follows Ella (Cinderella), played by Lily James, who lives with her loving parents. After her mother passes away, her father remarries Lady Tremaine (played by Cate Blanchett), who brings along her two daughters, Anastasia (played by Holliday Grainger) and Drisella (played by Sophie McShera). Tragically, Ella’s father also dies, leaving her at the mercy of her wicked stepmother and stepsisters.
Despite the hardships, Ella remains kind and optimistic, earning her the nickname “Cinderella.” One day, while riding in the woods, she encounters a stranger who turns out to be the charming Kit (played by Richard Madden), the prince of the kingdom. They are drawn to each other but part ways.
The king, wanting Kit to marry for political reasons, organizes a royal ball. Cinderella, with the help of her Fairy Godmother (played by Helena Bonham Carter), is magically transformed and able to attend the ball. At the ball, she captures the heart of the prince.
However, the magic wears off at midnight, and Cinderella must leave, leaving behind a glass slipper. The prince searches for the owner of the slipper, and when he finds Cinderella, they are happily reunited.
In the end, Cinderella forgives her stepmother, and she and Kit are married, living happily ever after.
The film received positive reviews for its enchanting visuals, faithful adaptation of the classic story, and Lily James’s performance as Cinderella. It was praised for its emphasis on kindness and courage as essential virtues.