The film picks up after the events of the previous films, following the resurrection of the infamous killer doll, Chucky (voiced by Brad Dourif). Chucky’s former girlfriend, Tiffany Valentine (played by Jennifer Tilly), retrieves his remains and stitches them back together. Using a voodoo ritual, she brings Chucky back to life.
Now in doll form, Chucky and Tiffany set out on a quest to retrieve an amulet that can transfer their souls into human bodies. Along the way, they leave a trail of chaos and murder, including the deaths of Tiffany’s neighbor and a police officer.
Their journey leads them to Jesse (played by Nick Stabile) and Jade (played by Katherine Heigl), a young couple on the run. Chucky and Tiffany hitch a ride with them, intending to use them as vessels for their souls.
As the body count rises, Jesse and Jade become entangled in the murderous rampage of the killer dolls. They soon realize the true nature of their companions and must fight for their lives.
In the climactic showdown, a confrontation occurs at a cemetery where Chucky and Tiffany plan to transfer their souls into Jesse and Jade. A chaotic battle ensues, involving gunfights, explosions, and the unexpected arrival of another resurrected doll, Chucky’s old nemesis, the Good Guy doll.
Ultimately, Chucky and Tiffany’s plans are thwarted, and they are both killed once again. Jesse and Jade manage to survive the ordeal and escape, leaving behind the chaos caused by the killer dolls.
“Bride of Chucky” is a tongue-in-cheek horror comedy that blends humor with gore and violence. It’s known for its campy tone, over-the-top kills, and the twisted romance between Chucky and Tiffany. With its blend of horror and comedy, the film has become a cult classic among fans of the genre.