The story is set in a dystopian Detroit where crime is rampant, and certain neighborhoods, known as Brick Mansions, are walled off from the rest of the city. The government decides to demolish the dangerous Brick Mansions and relocate the residents. However, a drug kingpin named Tremaine Alexander (played by RZA) has acquired a neutron bomb, and the authorities are desperate to retrieve it.
Damien Collier (played by Paul Walker), an undercover cop with a personal vendetta against Tremaine, is assigned to infiltrate Brick Mansions and disarm the bomb. Lino Dupree (played by David Belle), a parkour artist and vigilante who opposes Tremaine, becomes an unlikely ally to Damien.
As the two navigate the dangerous streets and face Tremaine’s henchmen, they uncover corruption within the police force. The plot unfolds with intense action sequences featuring parkour stunts and hand-to-hand combat. The urgency increases as the characters race against time to prevent the detonation of the neutron bomb.
In the climax, Damien and Lino confront Tremaine, leading to a showdown to stop the bomb from causing mass destruction. The film combines martial arts, parkour, and high-stakes action in the final confrontation.
“Brick Mansions” serves as one of Paul Walker’s final completed films before his tragic death in 2013. The movie pays tribute to Walker’s action movie legacy and showcases the parkour skills of David Belle, one of the founders of the sport. While the film received mixed reviews, it is noted for its fast-paced action and stunts.