At the end of the “Blue Beetle” movie, Jaime Reyes, played by Xolo Maridueña, ultimately bonds with the Scarab and masters the Blue Beetle suit. The film concludes with Jaime and his allies, including his crush Jenny Kord, working together to defeat Victoria Kord and her plan to create an army of O.M.A.C. During the final battle, Jaime and the Scarab, Khaji Da, choose to spare the antagonist Carapax and instead restore his lost memories of his childhood. This act reveals a backstory involving Carapax’s mother being killed by American forces and him being enlisted as a child into a militaristic school. The movie ends with a hint of romance between Jaime and Jenny, as it is heavily implied throughout the story that the two young protagonists have feelings for each other. Additionally, a mid-credits scene teases the potential for a sequel by revealing that Ted Kord is alive, although his current whereabouts remain a mystery