The film follows the misadventures of Mike Donnelly (played by Chris Farley), the well-meaning but clumsy younger brother of the Governor of Washington. Mike’s brother, Al Donnelly (played by Tim Matheson), is running for Governor and enlists the help of Steve Dodds (played by David Spade), a mild-mannered and socially awkward campaign aide, to keep Mike out of trouble during the campaign.
Despite Steve’s best efforts to keep Mike under control, chaos ensues as Mike inadvertently sabotages Al’s political campaign at every turn. From accidentally setting a barn on fire to inadvertently insulting voters, Mike’s antics threaten to ruin Al’s chances of winning the election.
As the campaign progresses, Mike and Steve find themselves on a road trip across Washington state, where they encounter a series of hilarious and absurd situations. Along the way, they encounter quirky characters, engage in high-speed chases, and narrowly escape danger, all while trying to salvage Al’s political career.
Despite their differences, Mike and Steve form an unlikely friendship as they navigate the challenges of the campaign trail. Along the way, they learn valuable lessons about loyalty, friendship, and the importance of being true to oneself.
In the climax of the film, Mike and Steve must band together to thwart a plot by corrupt politicians to rig the election. With their quick thinking and teamwork, they expose the truth and ensure that justice prevails, saving Al’s campaign and restoring his integrity.
“Black Sheep” is celebrated for its slapstick humor, witty dialogue, and the comedic chemistry between Chris Farley and David Spade. It remains a beloved cult classic among fans of ’90s comedy and is remembered for its outrageous humor and memorable quotes.