The film follows the misadventures of two slacker friends, Bud “Squirrel” Macintosh (played by Pauly Shore) and Doyle “Stubs” Johnson (played by Stephen Baldwin). The pair accidentally find themselves trapped inside a massive experimental biosphere known as “Eco-Dome,” where scientists conduct research on ecosystems.
Bud and Doyle stumble upon the Eco-Dome while seeking refuge from a rainstorm and mistake it for a mall. Once inside, they unintentionally set off a series of alarms, sealing the dome shut and locking themselves in with the scientists for an entire year.
As the scientists struggle to maintain their research and preserve the delicate ecosystem, Bud and Doyle wreak havoc inside the dome with their childish antics and disregard for the rules. Despite their incompetence, they gradually form bonds with the scientists, including Dr. Noah Faulkner (played by William Atherton) and his daughter Mimi (played by Joey Lauren Adams).
Throughout the film, Bud and Doyle’s antics lead to numerous mishaps and conflicts with the scientists and each other. From accidentally contaminating the ecosystem to causing chaos during a scientific presentation, their actions test the patience of everyone inside the Eco-Dome.
In the climax of the film, Bud and Doyle must confront the consequences of their actions as they face the possibility of being expelled from the Eco-Dome. With the help of the scientists, they devise a plan to save the ecosystem and redeem themselves in the eyes of their newfound friends.
“Bio-Dome” is known for its slapstick humor, absurd premise, and over-the-top performances. Pauly Shore and Stephen Baldwin deliver comedic performances as the bumbling protagonists, while the supporting cast adds to the film’s quirky charm. Despite receiving negative reviews from critics, “Bio-Dome” has gained a cult following over the years for its sheer absurdity and entertainment value.