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Babe: Pig in the City

“Babe: Pig in the City” is a sequel to the beloved film “Babe” and follows the adventures of Babe, the lovable pig who aspires to be a sheepdog. In this sequel, Babe (voiced by Elizabeth Daily) and his owner, Farmer Hoggett (played by James Cromwell), face financial difficulties due to a drought. To save the farm, Mrs. Hoggett (played by Magda Szubanski) decides to take Babe to a county fair to showcase his sheepherding skills and win a prize.

However, things take a turn for the worse when Babe inadvertently causes chaos at the fair, resulting in Mrs. Hoggett injuring herself and Babe being blamed for the mayhem. In order to raise money for Mrs. Hoggett’s medical bills and save the farm from foreclosure, Babe and Mrs. Hoggett embark on a journey to the city, where they hope to earn money by performing with Babe’s talents.

Once in the city, Babe and Mrs. Hoggett encounter a colorful cast of characters, including a family of singing chimpanzees, a group of eccentric dogs led by a charismatic but mischievous terrier named Flealick (voiced by Adam Goldberg), and a kindly old lady named Mrs. Esme Cordelia Hoggett (played by Mickey Rooney), who takes them in.

However, their stay in the city is not without challenges. Babe finds himself caught up in various misadventures, including being mistaken for a dangerous animal and getting separated from Mrs. Hoggett. Meanwhile, Mrs. Hoggett struggles to make ends meet and must find a way to raise the money they need to save the farm.

In the climax of the film, Babe and Mrs. Hoggett must race against time to reunite and thwart a plan by the city’s animal control officers to capture and euthanize Babe and his friends. With the help of the animals they’ve befriended along the way, including Flealick and the chimpanzees, Babe and Mrs. Hoggett manage to outsmart the authorities and escape danger.

In the end, Babe and Mrs. Hoggett return home triumphantly, having raised enough money to save the farm and Mrs. Hoggett making a full recovery from her injuries. The film ends on a heartwarming note as Babe is reunited with his fellow farm animals, and Mrs. Hoggett celebrates their victory with a joyous dance.

Overall, “Babe: Pig in the City” is a charming and adventurous tale that explores themes of friendship, perseverance, and the bond between humans and animals.

IMDb Rating

Babe: Pig in the City


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