As the narrative unfolds, CIA exfiltration specialist Tony Mendez (Ben Affleck) comes up with a risky plan to rescue the stranded diplomats. The plan involves creating a fake movie called “Argo” as a cover to extract the Americans from Iran.
In the climax, Mendez arrives in Tehran, meets with the diplomats hiding in the Canadian ambassador’s residence, and prepares them for the escape. The tension rises as they navigate the crowded Tehran airport and face various challenges, including last-minute complications.
In the resolution, the group manages to board a Swissair flight, but the tension continues as the Iranian authorities become suspicious. The climax builds as the plane takes off, with the Iranians discovering the deception just in time to prevent the escape.
The film’s ending is a suspenseful sequence, reflecting the real-life risks and uncertainties faced by those involved in the operation. The tension is gradually released as the plane successfully leaves Iranian airspace, marking the success of the daring mission.
“Argo” received widespread acclaim for its gripping storytelling, historical accuracy, and the performances of its cast. The film won several awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture. The ending is a satisfying conclusion to the intense rescue mission, capturing the relief and triumph of a plan executed against all odds.