The movie reaches its climax during Arthur’s intense confrontation with Black Manta, which ultimately determines the fate of Necrus and its cursed inhabitants. As Black Manta’s schemes crumble, the spirit of Kordax overtakes Orm, Aquaman’s half-brother, turning him into a formidable adversary. In the pivotal battle, Orm proves to be stronger than Arthur, significantly impacting the movie’s conclusion.
In a surprising turn of events, Arthur triumphs over Black Manta, safeguarding his son and thwarting Manta’s nefarious plans. However, the victory is short-lived as Kordax’s spirit possesses Orm, posing a considerable threat to Aquaman. Engaging in a final showdown, Arthur vanquishes Kordax utilizing both the Black Trident and King Atlan’s trident, putting an end to his malevolent schemes and resolving their longstanding conflict.
Following Kordax’s defeat, chaos ensues, and Black Manta teeters on the brink of an icy crevasse. In an unexpected gesture, Arthur extends a hand to aid Manta, offering him a chance at redemption. Yet, stripped of the superpowers bestowed by the Black Trident, Manta defiantly rejects Aquaman’s assistance, opting to plummet into the abyss. The movie leaves Manta’s fate ambiguous, culminating in a poignant conclusion for the iconic comic book antagonist in the DCEU.
Black Manta’s refusal to accept Aquaman’s help and his subsequent descent into the icy depths stem from a deep-seated animosity rooted in the events of the first Aquaman film. Arthur’s actions indirectly caused the death of Manta’s father, fueling Manta’s relentless pursuit of vengeance. By rejecting Aquaman’s aid despite facing dire circumstances, Manta underscores his unwavering determination to avenge his father’s demise, resulting in a poignant and resonant conclusion to his narrative arc.
In a light-hearted nod to another superhero franchise, the conclusion of Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom features a playful reference to Iron Man. When Arthur divulges the existence of Atlantis to surface dwellers, he does so with flair reminiscent of Tony Stark in the 2008 Iron Man film. Concluding with a humorous touch, Arthur declares, “I am Aquaman,” tosses the microphone, and departs swiftly, injecting a dose of levity into the finale while paying homage to the broader superhero genre.