The story revolves around Madhu (played by Amyra Dastur) and Ashwin (played by Dhanush), who meet in Burma and are drawn to each other. However, Madhu has a mysterious and tumultuous past that involves her previous lives.
As Ashwin learns about Madhu’s past lives through a series of flashbacks, they discover that they have a connection that spans several centuries. The film explores the concept of reincarnation and the impact of past events on the present.
In a series of flashbacks, the film takes the audience through different time periods, showing the characters in various roles and relationships. The central theme revolves around love, destiny, and the idea that certain individuals are destined to meet and fall in love in every lifetime.
In the climax, the characters from the past and present converge, and the mysteries surrounding their connections are revealed. The film explores the consequences of actions in previous lives on the present and the power of love to transcend time.
“Anegan” received positive reviews for its engaging screenplay, Dhanush’s performance, and the unique treatment of the reincarnation theme. The film blends romance, action, and mystery, providing a compelling narrative that spans different eras.