The film follows the story of a young boy named Calvin Fuller (played by Thomas Ian Nicholas), a typical teenager who dreams of being a great athlete but struggles with his self-confidence. During a baseball game, Calvin is hit by a stray ball and falls unconscious, only to awaken in the mythical land of Camelot during the time of King Arthur (played by Joss Ackland).
Confused and disoriented, Calvin is taken in by Sir Kane (played by Art Malik) and his daughter Princess Katey (played by Kate Winslet). Mistaken for a squire due to his modern clothing and knowledge of sports, Calvin quickly finds himself thrust into the world of knights, castles, and medieval customs.
Despite his initial skepticism, Calvin soon realizes that he has been transported back in time and sees an opportunity to use his knowledge of the future to help Camelot. With the help of Merlin the magician (played by Ron Moody), Calvin sets out on a series of adventures, using his modern inventions and sports skills to impress King Arthur and his knights.
Along the way, Calvin faces various challenges and obstacles, including encounters with the villainous Lord Belasco (played by Ron Moody), who seeks to usurp the throne of Camelot. With courage, determination, and a little bit of luck, Calvin proves himself to be a true hero and earns the respect and admiration of those around him.
” A Kid in King Arthur’s Court” is a lighthearted and entertaining family film that combines elements of comedy, adventure, and fantasy. It offers a fun and imaginative take on the classic Arthurian legend, with plenty of humor and heartwarming moments along the way.