The film centers around Malcolm Johnson (played by Marlon Wayans), who, after the events of the first film, is trying to move on and start fresh with his new girlfriend Megan (played by Jaime Pressly) and her two children. However, supernatural and bizarre events continue to haunt Malcolm, leading him to believe that he is cursed.
As strange occurrences escalate, Malcolm discovers a mysterious doll named Abigail and a box of haunted objects in his new house. The film parodies various horror movies, including “The Conjuring,” “Sinister,” and “Insidious,” as Malcolm attempts to deal with the demonic forces that have taken an interest in him.
The humor in “A Haunted House 2” is often raunchy and relies on satire, mocking popular horror tropes and conventions. The film features a mix of slapstick comedy, pop culture references, and paranormal parody.
In the climax, Malcolm finds himself possessed by the demon haunting the doll Abigail. The story takes a supernatural turn, leading to a chaotic and over-the-top finale involving exorcism attempts and battles with evil forces.
Despite negative reviews from critics, “A Haunted House 2” found an audience who appreciated its lowbrow humor and spoofing of horror movie clichés. It caters to fans of Marlon Wayans’ comedic style and those who enjoy the parody genre.