In “The Bob’s Burgers Movie” (2022), the animated film based on the long-running TV show, the ending sees the Belcher family successfully overcoming the obstacles that threatened their family restaurant and their town.
Throughout the movie, the Belcher family—Bob, Linda, Tina, Gene, and Louise—face a significant challenge when a sinkhole forms in front of their restaurant, Bob’s Burgers, on the eve of a big summer weekend, blocking the entrance and threatening the business’s survival. As they struggle to keep the restaurant afloat, the kids discover a murder mystery that involves the death of a carny named Cotton Candy Dan, which could potentially save the restaurant if solved (IMDb).
The climax of the film reveals that Calvin Fischoeder, the wealthy landlord, accidentally killed Cotton Candy Dan during a dispute and, along with his brother Felix, covered up the incident. The kids, with the help of their friends, expose the truth, leading to the Fischoeder brothers’ arrest.
The ending of the film is celebratory, with the sinkhole being filled in just in time for the town’s Ocean Fest, and the Belcher family’s restaurant is once again accessible to customers. The community comes together to support Bob’s Burgers, ensuring the restaurant’s survival and the family’s financial stability. The film concludes with a musical number, showcasing the resilience and unity of the Belcher family and their community (Wikipedia).
The resolution of “The Bob’s Burgers Movie” stays true to the spirit of the TV series, with humor, heart, and the Belchers’ quirky but unwavering dedication to each other and their dreams. It provides a satisfying conclusion to the story, with the family overcoming adversity through their love and teamwork.