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“Lightyear” (2022) is an animated science fiction action-adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film serves as a spin-off of the “Toy Story” series and presents the in-universe origin story of Buzz Lightyear (voiced by Chris Evans), the character who inspired the action figure in the “Toy Story” films.

In “Lightyear,” Buzz is a legendary Space Ranger who finds himself marooned on a hostile planet 4.2 million light-years from Earth along with his commander and crew. The film follows his attempts to find a way back home through space and time. Buzz faces various challenges, including hostile life forms and the presence of Zurg, an imposing figure with a mysterious connection to Buzz.

Significant events in the film include Buzz’s repeated attempts to test hyperspace fuel to power the flight back home, each test resulting in him experiencing time dilation, where only minutes pass for him, but years pass for everyone else on the planet. This leads to an emotional arc where Buzz must come to terms with the life he’s missed and the changes among his friends and surroundings.

As Buzz continues his quest, he is joined by a group of ambitious recruits, including Izzy Hawthorne (voiced by Keke Palmer), Mo Morrison (voiced by Taika Waititi), and Darby Steel (voiced by Dale Soules). Together, they confront the threat posed by Zurg and his army of ruthless robots.

In the climax of the film, it is revealed that Zurg is actually an older version of Buzz from an alternate timeline where he became obsessed with going back in time to change a pivotal moment in his life. The older Buzz, as Zurg, has been trying to steal the hyperspace crystal that the younger Buzz needs to return home, aiming to use it to go back in time.

The film concludes with a battle between Buzz and Zurg, during which Buzz comes to understand the importance of accepting the past and moving forward. Ultimately, Buzz and his new team are able to thwart Zurg’s plans. In the end, Buzz embraces his role as a mentor to the recruits and finds a new purpose in helping protect the galaxy alongside them.

“Lightyear” explores themes of time, loss, and acceptance, as Buzz learns to let go of his past regrets and focuses on the present and the people who are important to him now.

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