The film “Molli and Max in the Future” explores timeless human inquiries about love and purpose against a backdrop of sci-fi whimsy. Set in a far-future world filled with imaginative elements like tentacled demigods and accessible parallel universes, the story centers on Molli and Max, played by Zosia Mamet and Aristotle Athari, respectively.
Their unconventional meet-cute involves Molli swerving to avoid space debris while hunting for magic crystals in her flying car, only to encounter Max crash-landing on her windshield in an astronaut suit. Despite their initial romantic tension, their relationship is complicated by personal issues and philosophical quests, leading to temporary separations.
Structured in chapters spanning 12 years, reminiscent of classic rom-coms like “When Harry Met Sally,” the narrative meanders through diverse settings and encounters with comedic characters. The chemistry between Mamet and Athari anchors the film, providing an authentic dynamic that keeps viewers engaged.
While the film’s attempts at political satire and COVID-era humor can feel forced and dated, its witty script and the genuine rapport between the leads compensate for any shortcomings. Despite the limitations of a modest budget and extensive green screen usage, the film’s charm and banter ultimately shine through, immersing audiences in its imaginative world and timeless themes of love and self-discovery.