Izi lives in a dystopian future London where social housing has been eliminated. Only one community known as “The Kitchen” remains, but it’s at risk of being erased by the rich. He works at Life After Life, a futuristic funeral service where families who can’t afford a burial can turn their loved ones into trees, which they can visit until it’s time to plant them somewhere.
Izi befriends Benji, a 12-year-old boy who just lost his mother. Despite Izi being quite discreet, Benji notices him entered the chapel and asks Izi if he knew his mother. Izi tells Benji that he met his mother years ago, but doesn’t go into more details. Izi initially rejects Benji until he learns he’s staying with Staples (Hope Ikpoku Jr), the leader of a group of vigilante activists.
Over time they get closer. Izi gets Benji to help him with work at the funeral company. But Izi struggles to open up to Benji and let him into his life. After leaving Benji with no explanation to go live in a luxurious apartment outside “The Kitchen” that he had worked hard to get, Izi returns and he and Benji are forced to hide in the former’s apartment in “The Kitchen” as the police arrive to raid the buildings.
Benji directly asks Izi if he’s his father, with Izi giving a soft and subtle nod before asking him if he wants him to be his dad, with Benji simply saying “let’s just see how it goes”. Izi puts his arm around Benji and keeps him from turning to the door as the police aggressively bang against it. The police break into Izi’s apartment as the screen cuts to black, leaving Izi and Benji’s fates unknown.