The film follows Willie Conway (played by Timothy Hutton), a piano player who returns to his small hometown of Knights Ridge, Massachusetts, for his high school reunion. Willie is grappling with the realities of adulthood and feeling unfulfilled in his life, despite having a successful career as a pianist in New York City.
Upon returning to Knights Ridge, Willie reconnects with his old friends, including Tommy “Birdman” Rowland (played by Matt Dillon), Paul Kirkwood (played by Michael Rapaport), Kev (played by Max Perlich), and Mo (played by Noah Emmerich). Each of these characters is struggling with their own personal issues and insecurities, whether it’s relationship troubles, career uncertainties, or the fear of growing older.
As the group spends time together, they reminisce about their youth and ponder the paths their lives have taken. They also grapple with questions about love, commitment, and the pursuit of happiness, all while navigating the complexities of adult relationships.
Meanwhile, Willie finds himself drawn to Marty (played by Natalie Portman), a precocious thirteen-year-old girl who lives next door to his childhood home. Despite their age difference, Willie forms a special bond with Marty, who offers him insights into life and love that he hadn’t considered before.
Throughout the film, “Beautiful Girls” explores themes of friendship, nostalgia, and the passage of time. It offers a poignant and relatable portrayal of the challenges and joys of adulthood, as well as the enduring bonds of friendship that help us navigate life’s ups and downs.
In the climax of the film, Willie comes to terms with his feelings for Marty and gains a newfound perspective on his own life and relationships. As the high school reunion comes to an end, Willie and his friends depart Knights Ridge with a renewed sense of hope and understanding, ready to face the future together.
“Beautiful Girls” is praised for its heartfelt performances, sharp dialogue, and authentic portrayal of small-town life. It remains a beloved favorite among fans of coming-of-age films and is celebrated for its honest and relatable exploration of the human experience.