The film revolves around Ryan Weaver (played by Ray Liotta), a convicted murderer being transported on a commercial flight from New York City to Los Angeles. Also on board is Teri Halloran (played by Lauren Holly), a flight attendant with a troubled past who is on her last flight before resigning from her job.
As the flight progresses, Weaver manages to overpower the guards escorting him and takes control of the plane. With the crew incapacitated, Teri becomes the only person capable of stopping Weaver and saving the passengers from certain death.
Meanwhile, the airline’s chief of security, Lieutenant Aldo Hines (played by Ben Cross), becomes involved in the situation and works with ground control to devise a plan to neutralize Weaver and regain control of the plane.
In the climax of the film, Teri confronts Weaver in a thrilling showdown aboard the plane. Despite facing numerous obstacles and challenges, Teri uses her resourcefulness and determination to outsmart Weaver and incapacitate him, allowing the authorities to regain control of the aircraft.
In the end, Teri is hailed as a hero for her bravery and quick thinking, and Weaver is apprehended and taken into custody. The passengers and crew are rescued, and the plane lands safely in Los Angeles.
“Turbulence” is praised for its tense atmosphere, suspenseful plot, and solid performances from the cast, particularly Ray Liotta and Lauren Holly. While the film received mixed reviews from critics, it remains a popular choice among fans of the thriller genre for its gripping storyline and thrilling action sequences.