The film is set in the year 2058, where Earth is suffering from overpopulation and environmental degradation. The Robinson family, consisting of Professor John Robinson (played by William Hurt), his wife Dr. Maureen Robinson (played by Mimi Rogers), their three children Judy (played by Heather Graham), Penny (played by Lacey Chabert), and Will (played by Jack Johnson), along with their pilot Major Don West (played by Matt LeBlanc) are chosen to travel aboard the spaceship Jupiter II on a mission to colonize a distant planet called Alpha Prime.
During the journey, the ship is sabotaged by the villainous Dr. Zachary Smith (played by Gary Oldman), who is secretly working for a foreign power and aims to destroy the mission. His sabotage causes the ship to veer off course and crash-land on an uncharted planet.
Separated from their mothership and facing numerous dangers, the Robinson family must work together to survive and repair their ship. Along the way, they encounter a mysterious alien creature, the Proteus, and encounter other dangers such as hostile alien spiders and the hazardous environment of the planet.
As they struggle to repair their ship and find a way off the planet, tensions rise within the group, particularly between Dr. Smith and the others, as his selfish actions continue to endanger the mission.
In a climactic showdown, the Robinson family confronts Dr. Smith and manages to defeat him, but not before he unleashes the Proteus, a dangerous alien entity that threatens their survival. With the help of Major West and the ship’s robot, the family manages to destroy the Proteus and escape from the planet just in time.
In the end, the Robinson family successfully completes their mission and reaches Alpha Prime, where they begin to build a new life for themselves. Along the way, they learn valuable lessons about courage, teamwork, and the importance of family.
“Lost in Space” received mixed reviews from critics upon its release, with praise for its special effects and action sequences but criticism for its weak plot and characterization. However, it has since gained a cult following and is remembered fondly by fans of the original television series for its nostalgic appeal and entertaining blend of science fiction and adventure.