The film follows the story of Alan Abernathy (played by Gregory Smith), a young boy who inadvertently unleashes chaos when he brings home a new line of high-tech action figures called the Commando Elite. These toys are equipped with advanced microchips that give them the ability to learn and adapt, turning them into highly intelligent and aggressive soldiers.
As Alan soon discovers, the Commando Elite are programmed with a military-grade AI designed for combat, making them far more dangerous than ordinary toys. Led by the ruthless Chip Hazard (voiced by Tommy Lee Jones), the Commando Elite begin waging war against another line of toys, the peace-loving Gorgonites.
The Gorgonites, led by their noble leader Archer (voiced by Frank Langella), are a group of misfit creatures who were designed to be the enemies of the Commando Elite in a fictional war game. However, they possess no weapons or combat capabilities, making them easy targets for the aggressive Commando Elite.
As the conflict escalates, Alan teams up with his neighbor and love interest, Christy Fimple (played by Kirsten Dunst), and the Gorgonites to stop the Commando Elite and prevent them from causing further destruction. With the help of the Gorgonites’ knowledge of their own weaknesses, Alan and his friends devise a plan to defeat the Commando Elite once and for all.
In a climactic showdown, Alan and the Gorgonites face off against the Commando Elite in an epic battle that spills out into the streets of their suburban neighborhood. Using their ingenuity and teamwork, they outsmart and outmaneuver the Commando Elite, ultimately destroying their microchips and ending their reign of terror.
In the end, Alan and Christy manage to restore peace to their neighborhood and reconcile with their families. The Gorgonites, having found a new home with Alan and his friends, bid farewell to their old lives and embrace their newfound freedom.
“Small Soldiers” is praised for its imaginative premise, impressive special effects, and clever satire of consumerism and military culture. With its blend of action, humor, and heart, the film offers a fun and entertaining adventure for audiences of all ages.