Chris Nielsen (played by Robin Williams) and his wife Annie are devastated when their two children, Ian and Marie, die in a car accident. Their marriage begins to crumble as Annie falls into a deep depression. Four years later, Chris dies in another car accident while trying to help a motorist.
Chris awakens in the afterlife, where he is greeted by Albert (played by Cuba Gooding Jr.), a celestial guide who helps him navigate his new reality. Chris learns that his thoughts and beliefs shape his surroundings in the afterlife.
Heaven appears to Chris as a beautiful, vibrant landscape, while Hell is a nightmarish realm shaped by one’s own guilt and despair. Chris discovers that Annie, consumed by guilt over their children’s deaths, has taken her own life and is trapped in Hell.
Determined to save Annie, Chris embarks on a perilous journey across the afterlife. With Albert’s help, he ventures into the depths of Hell to find Annie and bring her back to Heaven.
Along the way, Chris confronts his own demons and learns valuable lessons about love, forgiveness, and the nature of existence. He must overcome numerous obstacles and challenges to reach Annie and convince her to leave Hell behind.
In a heartbreaking climax, Chris sacrifices his own chance at eternal happiness in Heaven to remain with Annie in Hell, believing that their love is worth any sacrifice. Together, they find solace in each other’s presence and embrace the possibility of redemption.
Back on Earth, Chris and Annie’s children, Ian and Marie, are left to mourn their parents’ deaths. However, they take comfort in the belief that their parents are together in the afterlife, finally at peace.
“What Dreams May Come” is a visually stunning and emotionally powerful film that explores themes of love, loss, and the afterlife. Robin Williams delivers a poignant performance as Chris Nielsen, capturing both the character’s depth of emotion and his unwavering love for his wife. With its breathtaking visuals and profound philosophical themes, the film leaves a lasting impact on viewers.