The film follows the Owens sisters, Sally (Sandra Bullock) and Gillian (Nicole Kidman), who are part of a family with a long-standing curse on their love lives. Their ancestor was accused of witchcraft, and ever since then, any man who falls in love with an Owens woman is doomed to an untimely death.
Sally and Gillian are raised by their aunts, Frances (Stockard Channing) and Jet (Dianne Wiest), who are also witches. Sally grows up cautious and distrustful of love, while Gillian is more reckless and impulsive.
As adults, Sally marries and has two daughters but becomes a widow when her husband dies unexpectedly. Gillian, meanwhile, leads a more nomadic lifestyle, hopping from one relationship to another.
When Gillian’s abusive boyfriend, Jimmy (Goran Visnjic), threatens her life, she turns to Sally for help. Together, they accidentally kill Jimmy in self-defense. Desperate to cover up the crime, they use their witchcraft to resurrect him, but Jimmy returns as a vengeful spirit.
The sisters must confront their past and come to terms with their family’s curse. They seek the help of their aunts and other members of the local community to banish Jimmy’s spirit and break the curse once and for all.
In the end, Sally and Gillian realize that love is worth the risk, despite the challenges and hardships they face. They embrace their magical heritage and find happiness with the men they love.
“Practical Magic” is a charming and whimsical film that combines elements of romance, comedy, and fantasy. Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman deliver captivating performances as the Owens sisters, while Stockard Channing and Dianne Wiest provide delightful comic relief as their eccentric aunts. With its enchanting storyline and strong female characters, the film has become a beloved classic for audiences of all ages.