“Virus” is a 1999 science fiction horror film directed by John Bruno. The film revolves around a salvage crew that encounters a mysterious and deadly alien entity aboard an abandoned Russian research vessel.
The story begins with a salvage tugboat, the Sea Star, led by Captain Everton, encountering a typhoon while searching for salvage in the South Pacific. During the storm, they come across a seemingly abandoned Russian research vessel, the Akademik Vladislav Volkov.
The salvage crew boards the ship to scavenge for valuables, only to discover that the vessel’s systems are still functioning. They soon realize that the ship is infested with a malevolent extraterrestrial entity that takes control of the ship’s systems and cyborg crew members.
The alien entity, which originated from a crashed meteorite, assimilates human and machine parts to create deadly biomechanical creatures. As the crew members are picked off one by one, they must fight for their survival against the relentless onslaught of the alien threat.
Meanwhile, the crew’s communications with the outside world are cut off, leaving them isolated and trapped aboard the infected vessel. They must find a way to destroy the alien entity before it escapes the ship and spreads its infection to the rest of humanity.
In a climactic showdown, the remaining survivors, led by Captain Everton and chief navigator Kit Foster, devise a plan to destroy the ship and the alien entity once and for all. They rig the vessel to explode and narrowly escape before it detonates, causing a massive explosion that destroys the ship and the alien threat.
The film ends with the surviving crew members being rescued by a passing ship, but the threat of the alien entity remains, as it is hinted that it may have survived and could pose a danger to humanity in the future.