The film centers around Spencer Armacost (Johnny Depp), an astronaut who, along with his colleague Alex Streck (Nick Cassavetes), undertakes a mission to repair a satellite in space. However, during a routine spacewalk, a mysterious incident occurs that leaves both astronauts unconscious for a brief period. They are rescued and brought back to Earth, but Spencer and Alex seem to have undergone a drastic change in behavior.
Upon their return, Spencer’s wife Jillian (Charlize Theron) notices subtle but unsettling changes in her husband’s personality. He becomes distant and secretive, and their once loving relationship begins to deteriorate. Meanwhile, Alex’s wife Natalie (Donna Murphy) tragically dies in a mysterious car accident shortly after their return.
As Jillian delves deeper into Spencer’s behavior, she discovers alarming evidence suggesting that something otherworldly may have happened during the space mission. She becomes convinced that Spencer is not who he appears to be and that he may pose a threat to her and their unborn child.
Through a series of disturbing events, including encounters with strange occurrences and unexplained phenomena, Jillian becomes increasingly paranoid and desperate to uncover the truth about her husband’s transformation. She seeks the help of NASA psychiatrist Dr. Patraba (Joe Morton) and begins to unravel a terrifying conspiracy involving alien possession and manipulation.
In the film’s climax, Jillian confronts Spencer and learns the shocking truth: he has been possessed by an extraterrestrial entity that seeks to use him as a vessel to infiltrate and dominate humanity. Spencer reveals his sinister intentions to Jillian, but she manages to thwart his plans and ultimately sacrifices herself to protect their child from falling into the hands of the alien entity.
In the end, Spencer’s true nature is exposed, and he is left alone and defeated, haunted by the memories of his actions. The film closes with a sense of uncertainty and unease, leaving viewers to ponder the implications of extraterrestrial influence on human affairs.
“The Astronaut’s Wife” is a psychological thriller that explores themes of paranoia, identity, and the unknown. With its eerie atmosphere, tense performances, and thought-provoking plot twists, the film offers a chilling and unsettling viewing experience that lingers long after the credits roll.