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Joan of Arc

The film follows the life of Joan of Arc (played by Milla Jovovich), a young French peasant girl who claims to have been divinely chosen by God to lead the French army to victory against the English during the Hundred Years’ War.

As a young girl, Joan experiences visions and hears voices that she believes are messages from God. She becomes convinced that she has been chosen to save France from the English invaders and rallies support from the French court and military leaders.

Despite facing skepticism and resistance from those around her, Joan’s unwavering faith and determination win over the support of Charles VII (played by John Malkovich), the Dauphin of France, who agrees to allow her to lead the French army into battle.

Joan’s military campaigns are initially successful, as she leads the French army to several key victories against the English forces. However, her success attracts the attention of powerful enemies, including the English and their allies within the French court.

As Joan’s influence grows, she becomes a threat to the established order and is eventually betrayed by those who once supported her. She is captured by the English and stands trial for heresy and witchcraft.

In a dramatic courtroom showdown, Joan is condemned to death by burning at the stake. Despite the efforts of her supporters to save her, including a last-minute attempt by Charles VII to intervene, Joan is ultimately executed.

In the aftermath of her death, Joan becomes a martyr and symbol of French nationalism. She is later canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church and remains a revered figure in French history and culture.

“Joan of Arc” is a gripping and visually stunning epic that explores themes of faith, courage, and sacrifice. With its breathtaking battle scenes, powerful performances, and emotional storyline, the film offers a compelling portrayal of one of history’s most legendary figures.

IMDb Rating

Joan of Arc


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