The film primarily takes place in the Cold Mountain Penitentiary, where death row supervisor Paul Edgecomb (played by Tom Hanks) oversees the execution of inmates awaiting the electric chair, known as “Old Sparky.” The guards, including Paul’s colleagues Brutus “Brutal” Howell (played by David Morse), Dean Stanton (played by Barry Pepper), and Harry Terwilliger (played by Jeffrey DeMunn), refer to their death row as “the Green Mile” due to the color of the floor leading to the execution chamber.
The plot unfolds when John Coffey (played by Michael Clarke Duncan), a black man of immense size but with the mind of a child, is brought to the prison after being convicted of brutally murdering two young girls. Despite his imposing appearance, John exhibits a gentle and kind-hearted nature that baffles the guards.
As Paul and the other guards get to know John, they discover that he possesses miraculous healing abilities, including the power to heal sickness and injury with his touch. Paul becomes convinced of John’s innocence, suspecting that he was framed for the murders due to his supernatural gifts.
Meanwhile, another inmate, a sadistic and racist man named William “Wild Bill” Wharton (played by Sam Rockwell), arrives at the prison and causes trouble for the guards. Wild Bill’s disruptive behavior escalates tensions among the guards and adds to the already intense atmosphere of the prison.
Throughout the film, Paul grapples with his own moral dilemmas and struggles with the morality of the death penalty. He is torn between his duty as a prison guard and his growing belief in John’s innocence.
In the climax of the film, John reveals the true perpetrator of the murders to Paul through a psychic vision. Paul and the guards are left stunned as they realize the extent of John’s powers and the injustice of his situation.
In a heartbreaking and emotional conclusion, John willingly accepts his fate and allows himself to be executed, knowing that he will soon be reunited with the souls of the two murdered girls in the afterlife. His death deeply affects Paul and the other guards, leaving them with a newfound sense of compassion and understanding.
“The Green Mile” is a powerful and thought-provoking film that explores themes of redemption, compassion, and the nature of good and evil. Through its compelling characters and gripping storytelling, the film offers a profound meditation on the human condition and the complexities of justice and morality.