The protagonist, Matty Demaret (played by Barry Pepper), is the son of a powerful mob boss named Benny “Chains” Demaret (played by Dennis Hopper). Despite his family connections, Matty struggles to earn respect within the criminal organization due to his lack of experience and reputation.
Matty is eager to prove himself and make a name for himself in the family business. Along with his friends and fellow aspiring mobsters—Taylor Reese (played by Vin Diesel), Chris Scarpa (played by Andrew Davoli), and Johnny Marbles (played by Seth Green)—Matty plans to complete a simple job of transporting a large sum of money across state lines.
However, their plans go awry when they are pulled over by local law enforcement, and the money is seized as evidence. Left with no other option, Matty and his friends must find a way to retrieve the money and prove themselves to Matty’s father.
Their journey leads them to a small town where they encounter more trouble than they anticipated. They face obstacles such as corrupt law enforcement, rival criminals, and internal conflicts within their group.
As tensions rise and loyalties are tested, Matty must confront his own doubts and insecurities about his ability to lead and protect his friends. He realizes that the path to success in the criminal underworld is fraught with danger and betrayal, and he must make difficult choices to survive.
In a climactic showdown, Matty and his friends confront their enemies and fight to reclaim the stolen money. They must use all of their cunning and resourcefulness to outsmart their adversaries and emerge victorious.
In the end, Matty learns valuable lessons about loyalty, friendship, and the consequences of his actions. He realizes that true success does not come from wealth or power, but from the bonds of trust and camaraderie forged between friends.
“Knockaround Guys” is a gritty and suspenseful crime drama that offers a glimpse into the dark and dangerous world of organized crime. Through its compelling storyline, dynamic characters, and thrilling action sequences, the film explores themes of ambition, betrayal, and the price of loyalty in the pursuit of power and respect.