The story is set during World War II in London, England. Jane (voiced by Harriet Owen), the practical and skeptical daughter of Wendy Darling, has grown up hearing her mother’s stories about her adventures in Never Land with Peter Pan. However, Jane dismisses these tales as mere fantasies and believes that growing up means leaving behind childish dreams.
One night during an air raid, Jane is kidnapped by Captain Hook (voiced by Corey Burton) and his crew of pirates, who mistake her for Wendy. Taken aboard Hook’s ship, the Jolly Roger, Jane is transported to Never Land, where she finds herself in a world of magic, adventure, and imagination.
Upon arriving in Never Land, Jane is greeted by Tinker Bell (voiced by Mae Whitman), who is initially hostile towards her but eventually becomes her reluctant ally. Tinker Bell leads Jane to the Lost Boys’ hideout, where she meets Peter Pan (voiced by Blayne Weaver) and learns that he is searching for his kidnapped friend, Wendy.
Determined to return home to her family, Jane agrees to help Peter Pan rescue Wendy from Captain Hook’s clutches. Along the way, Jane must overcome her skepticism and embrace her inner child in order to unlock the magic of Never Land and defeat Hook once and for all.
As Jane and Peter Pan journey across Never Land, they encounter a series of obstacles and challenges, including encounters with the mermaids, a run-in with the crocodile, and a confrontation with Hook and his pirate crew. With the help of her newfound friends and her own courage and determination, Jane discovers the power of belief and imagination, proving that growing up doesn’t mean losing touch with one’s inner child.
In a climactic showdown, Jane and Peter Pan confront Captain Hook aboard the Jolly Roger, where they engage in a thrilling battle of wits and swords. With the help of Tinker Bell and the Lost Boys, they are able to defeat Hook and his crew and rescue Wendy, freeing Never Land from the villain’s tyranny once and for all.
In the end, Jane returns home to London, forever changed by her adventures in Never Land. She learns to appreciate the magic and wonder of childhood and realizes that growing up doesn’t mean losing sight of one’s dreams. As she reunites with her family, Jane cherishes the memories of her time in Never Land and the friendships she made along the way, knowing that the spirit of adventure will always live on in her heart.
“Return to Never Land” is a delightful and enchanting animated film that captures the timeless magic of J.M. Barrie’s classic story. Through its colorful animation, memorable characters, and heartwarming message, the film invites audiences of all ages to believe in the power of imagination and the joy of never growing up.