The movie follows the story of Longfellow Deeds (played by Adam Sandler), a small-town greeting card poet from Mandrake Falls, New Hampshire, who inherits a vast fortune and a controlling stake in a major media conglomerate after the sudden death of his uncle Preston Blake.
Deeds, a kind-hearted and naive man, initially struggles to adjust to his newfound wealth and responsibilities. He is soon approached by Chuck Cedar (played by Peter Gallagher), the greedy and manipulative CEO of Blake Media, who tries to persuade Deeds to sell his shares of the company.
Deeds, however, is not interested in money or power and instead decides to use his wealth to help others in need. He moves to New York City to settle his uncle’s estate and begins giving away his money to various charities and individuals, including a group of firefighters and a homeless man named Emilio (played by John Turturro).
Along the way, Deeds meets Babe Bennett (played by Winona Ryder), a tabloid journalist posing as a small-town girl named Pam Dawson. Babe initially befriends Deeds as part of her assignment to get a scoop on the new millionaire, but she soon finds herself falling for him genuinely.
As Deeds becomes more involved in the affairs of Blake Media, Chuck Cedar and his scheming associates plot to undermine him and take control of the company for themselves. They try to frame Deeds as mentally unfit to manage his inheritance, leading to a court battle over his sanity.
With Babe’s help and the support of his loyal friends from Mandrake Falls, Deeds faces off against Chuck Cedar and his cronies in a dramatic courtroom showdown. Despite their efforts to discredit him, Deeds proves himself to be both sane and morally upright, ultimately prevailing in court.
In the end, Deeds decides to sell his shares of Blake Media and use the proceeds to start a foundation to help people in need. He also confesses his love for Babe, who reciprocates his feelings, and the two reconcile their relationship.
“Mr. Deeds” is praised for its heartwarming story, memorable characters, and Adam Sandler’s endearing performance in the title role. While it received mixed reviews from critics, the film was a commercial success and remains a favorite among fans of Sandler’s comedies.