The film begins in 1931 in Rock Island, Illinois, where Michael Sullivan Sr. (played by Tom Hanks) works as a hitman for Irish mob boss John Rooney (played by Paul Newman). Despite his violent profession, Sullivan is a loving father to his two sons, Michael Jr. (played by Tyler Hoechlin) and Peter (played by Liam Aiken), and tries to shield them from his criminal activities.
One night, Michael Jr. witnesses his father and Rooney’s son, Connor (played by Daniel Craig), commit a murder. Afraid of what his son has seen, Sullivan agrees to accompany Rooney on a job in exchange for his family’s safety. However, things go awry, and Sullivan’s wife Annie (played by Jennifer Jason Leigh) and younger son Peter are killed by Connor in a botched attempt on Sullivan’s life.
Devastated by the loss of his family, Sullivan vows to avenge their deaths and sets out on a journey of retribution with his surviving son Michael Jr. in tow. Along the way, they become unlikely partners as they evade both law enforcement and Rooney’s men, who are ordered to eliminate Sullivan and his son.
As they travel across the Midwest, Sullivan and Michael Jr. form a bond while seeking refuge with a former associate named Frank Nitti (played by Stanley Tucci) and encountering other figures from Sullivan’s criminal past. Along the way, Sullivan teaches his son valuable lessons about loyalty, morality, and the consequences of violence.
Their journey culminates in a final confrontation with Connor and Rooney at a lakeside cabin. In a tense and emotional showdown, Sullivan confronts Rooney and Connor, ultimately sacrificing himself to ensure his son’s safety and bring closure to their tragic ordeal.
In the aftermath, Michael Jr. goes into hiding with the help of a local crime photographer named Mr. Maguire (played by Jude Law), who promises to protect him from the dangers that still lurk in their world. As he reflects on his father’s legacy, Michael Jr. finds solace in the memory of their time together and the lessons he learned along the way.
“Road to Perdition” is praised for its atmospheric cinematography, evocative score, and powerhouse performances, particularly by Tom Hanks and Paul Newman. It explores themes of family, loyalty, and redemption against the backdrop of the American underworld during the Great Depression, leaving a lasting impact on audiences with its haunting and poignant storytelling.