The story begins with best friends Charlie Carbone (played by Jerry O’Connell) and Louis Booker (played by Anthony Anderson), two bumbling and aspiring hairdressers from Brooklyn, who work for Charlie’s stepfather, mob boss Sal Maggio (played by Christopher Walken). Unbeknownst to Charlie and Louis, Sal is involved in criminal activities.
When Sal assigns them to deliver $50,000 to an associate in Australia, Charlie and Louis embark on the journey, unaware of the money’s true purpose. However, during a pit stop in the Australian Outback, they accidentally hit a kangaroo with their rental car.
Thinking the kangaroo is dead, Charlie and Louis dress it up in Louis’s jacket and sunglasses and take pictures with it, unaware that the kangaroo is still alive and has the money pouch attached to its neck. As they attempt to take more photos, the kangaroo wakes up and hops away, leading to a series of comedic and chaotic chase sequences.
Realizing that they have lost the money, Charlie and Louis must track down the kangaroo and retrieve the pouch before Sal finds out and seeks revenge. They enlist the help of Jessie (played by Estella Warren), a wildlife expert who reluctantly agrees to assist them in their quest.
As they search for the kangaroo, Charlie and Louis encounter various obstacles and challenges, including encounters with dangerous wildlife, local authorities, and rival treasure hunters. Along the way, they also face their own personal demons and insecurities, as they grapple with issues of friendship, loyalty, and self-discovery.
In a series of comedic and action-packed sequences, Charlie and Louis pursue the kangaroo across the Australian Outback, using their wits and resourcefulness to outsmart their adversaries and recover the money pouch. Along the way, they form a bond with the kangaroo, whom they affectionately name “Jack.”
In the climax of the film, Charlie and Louis finally confront Jack and manage to retrieve the money pouch, but not before facing one final obstacle. They narrowly escape Sal’s henchmen and return the money to its rightful owner, averting disaster and earning Sal’s gratitude.
In the end, Charlie and Louis return home to Brooklyn, having learned valuable lessons about friendship, loyalty, and the importance of honesty. They bid farewell to Jack, who hops off into the sunset, leaving them with memories of their wild adventure in the Australian Outback.
“Kangaroo Jack” is a light-hearted and family-friendly comedy that combines slapstick humor, heartwarming moments, and adventure in a fun and entertaining package. With its colorful characters, memorable scenes, and delightful performances, the film offers a joyful and entertaining experience for audiences of all ages.