The story centers on Eddie Yang (played by Jackie Chan), a Hong Kong detective who works with Interpol to track down a notorious criminal named Snakehead (played by Julian Sands). Eddie is assisted by his partner, Interpol agent Arthur Watson (played by Lee Evans), and they are joined by British Interpol agent Nicole James (played by Claire Forlani).
Their investigation leads them to a shipment of ancient artifacts, including a mysterious medallion with supernatural powers. When Snakehead steals the medallion, Eddie is accidentally killed during a confrontation with the criminal. However, Eddie is miraculously resurrected when the medallion merges with his body, granting him superhuman abilities and immortality.
As Eddie adjusts to his newfound powers, he discovers that he is now connected to the medallion and must protect it from falling into the wrong hands. With the help of Arthur and Nicole, Eddie sets out to stop Snakehead and his henchmen from using the medallion for their own nefarious purposes.
In the climax of the film, Eddie faces off against Snakehead in a thrilling showdown that tests his strength, agility, and martial arts skills. With the medallion’s power at his disposal, Eddie manages to defeat Snakehead and save the day.
In the end, Eddie decides to return the medallion to its rightful resting place, believing that its power is too dangerous to be wielded by mortals. He bids farewell to his friends and returns to his life as a detective, content in the knowledge that he has used his powers for good.
“The Medallion” is a fast-paced and entertaining action-comedy that showcases Jackie Chan’s signature blend of martial arts and slapstick humor. While the film received mixed reviews from critics, it remains a favorite among fans of Chan’s work for its thrilling action sequences and light-hearted tone.