The story centers around Owen Baker, a lonely 12-year-old boy who desperately wants a dog for companionship. Owen’s parents, portrayed by Kevin Nealon and Molly Shannon, are hesitant about getting a pet due to their busy work schedules and the fact that Owen has a history of not being able to take care of his responsibilities.
One day, Owen discovers a mysterious UFO crash landing near his house, and to his surprise, he finds a dog inside the spaceship. The dog, named Hubble, can talk and communicates with Owen using a special translating device. Hubble explains that he has been sent from the planet Sirius to determine if dogs on Earth have fulfilled their mission of dominating humans.
Owen is thrilled to have Hubble as his new pet, but he soon realizes that Hubble has a mission to complete and needs his help. Hubble reveals that if dogs on Earth have not successfully trained their humans, they will be recalled to Sirius and the planet Earth will be destroyed.
With the help of Hubble and his neighborhood friends, Owen sets out to prove that dogs are indeed man’s best friend and deserve to stay on Earth. Together, they embark on a series of misadventures to teach the neighborhood dogs how to properly train their owners.
In the climax of the film, Owen and Hubble face a critical test when the Dog Council from Sirius arrives to evaluate their progress. With the fate of Earth hanging in the balance, Owen must demonstrate that humans and dogs can coexist in harmony and friendship.
In the end, Owen and Hubble succeed in convincing the Dog Council that dogs and humans have a special bond worth preserving. The Dog Council decides to spare Earth from destruction, allowing Hubble and the other dogs to remain on the planet.
The film concludes with Owen and Hubble celebrating their victory and the newfound understanding between humans and dogs. Owen’s parents also realize the importance of having a pet in their lives and embrace Hubble as a beloved member of their family.
“Good Boy!” is a heartwarming and humorous family film that celebrates the unique bond between humans and their canine companions. With its charming story, lovable characters, and positive message about friendship and responsibility, the film is sure to delight audiences of all ages.