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White Noise

The movie follows the story of Jonathan Rivers (played by Michael Keaton), a successful architect whose life is shattered when his wife, Anna (played by Chandra West), mysteriously disappears. Desperate for answers, Jonathan becomes obsessed with finding her and delves into the world of EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon), a phenomenon where voices of the dead are supposedly captured on audio recordings.

Jonathan meets Raymond Price (played by Ian McNeice), an expert in EVP, who introduces him to the concept of communicating with the dead through electronic devices. Skeptical at first, Jonathan is intrigued when he starts receiving messages from Anna through his radio and computer.

As Jonathan becomes more engrossed in EVP, he starts to experience strange and terrifying occurrences. He begins to receive messages from other spirits, including warnings of impending danger. Despite the warnings, Jonathan becomes increasingly obsessed with contacting Anna and unravelling the mystery of her disappearance.

In the climax of the film, Jonathan discovers that Anna’s disappearance is connected to a serial killer who has been targeting people with a connection to EVP. He realizes that he is in grave danger and races against time to save himself and others from the killer’s wrath.

The film concludes with Jonathan confronting the killer and ultimately sacrificing himself to save the life of a young girl who is in danger. As he dies, Jonathan receives a final message from Anna, reassuring him that she is at peace and watching over him from the other side.

Overall, “White Noise” is a chilling and atmospheric horror-thriller that explores the themes of grief, obsession, and the supernatural. With its eerie premise, tense atmosphere, and unsettling visuals, it offers an unsettling movie experience that lingers long after the credits roll.

IMDb Rating

White Noise


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