The movie follows the story of Tim Avery (played by Jamie Kennedy), a struggling cartoonist who lives with his wife Tonya (played by Traylor Howard) and their dog Otis in Edge City. Tim dreams of becoming a successful animator but feels overshadowed by his father-in-law, who is also his boss at the animation studio.
When Tim discovers a mysterious wooden mask, he decides to wear it to a costume party to impress his wife and win a contest. However, Tim soon realizes that the mask is no ordinary artifact; it is imbued with magical powers that transform him into a zany and unpredictable character with superhuman abilities.
As Tim grapples with his newfound powers, he must also contend with the mischievous antics of his infant son Alvey, who has been affected by the mask’s magic and begins exhibiting strange and supernatural behavior. Tim’s life is further complicated by the arrival of Loki (played by Alan Cumming), the Norse god of mischief, who seeks to reclaim the mask and restore order to the universe.
In the climax of the film, Tim must confront Loki and his army of supernatural creatures in a final showdown to protect his family and save the world from chaos. With the help of his loyal dog Otis and a newfound sense of courage, Tim embraces his role as a father and hero, ultimately defeating Loki and restoring peace to Edge City.
The film concludes with Tim realizing the importance of family and embracing his responsibilities as a husband and father. He learns that true strength comes from love and selflessness, and he vows to cherish his family and never take them for granted again.
Overall, “Son of the Mask” is a lighthearted and whimsical comedy that combines elements of fantasy, adventure, and family dynamics. With its colorful characters, imaginative storyline, and slapstick humor, it offers an entertaining movie experience for audiences of all ages.