The movie is set in World War II and follows the story of Valiant (voiced by Ewan McGregor), a small but determined pigeon who dreams of becoming a brave and heroic carrier pigeon for the Royal Homing Pigeon Service (RHPS). Valiant joins the RHPS and is assigned to Squad F, a group of misfit pigeons led by the tough-talking Sergeant Monty (voiced by Jim Broadbent).
As Valiant and his fellow recruits undergo rigorous training, they learn the importance of teamwork and bravery in their mission to deliver crucial messages across enemy lines. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and challenges, including enemy falcons and German hawks determined to intercept their messages.
In the climax of the film, Valiant and Squad F are tasked with delivering a crucial message to the Allied forces on the eve of the D-Day invasion. Despite facing heavy opposition from enemy birds, including the ruthless General Von Talon (voiced by Tim Curry), Valiant and his friends bravely push through and successfully deliver the message, helping to turn the tide of the war.
The film concludes with Valiant and Squad F being hailed as heroes for their bravery and dedication. They return home to a hero’s welcome, with Valiant finally achieving his dream of becoming a true hero and earning the respect of his peers.
Overall, “Valiant” is a charming and heartwarming animated film that celebrates the courage and sacrifice of the unsung heroes of World War II. With its lovable characters, exciting action sequences, and positive message about friendship and bravery, it offers an enjoyable movie experience for audiences of all ages.