The movie is based on the true story of Laura Henderson (played by Judi Dench), a wealthy widow who, in the 1930s, purchases the Windmill Theatre, a struggling London venue, as a way to occupy her time and cope with her grief after the death of her husband.
Determined to revitalize the theater and attract audiences, Mrs. Henderson hires the talented and ambitious Vivian Van Damm (played by Bob Hoskins) as the theater’s manager. Together, they come up with the idea of presenting live nude tableaux—a daring and controversial concept for the time—to attract patrons.
Despite initial skepticism and resistance from the authorities, Mrs. Henderson and Van Damm proceed with their plans, transforming the Windmill Theatre into a popular and successful venue known for its risqué and avant-garde performances. The theater becomes a cultural phenomenon, drawing audiences from all walks of life and becoming a symbol of resilience and defiance during the dark days of World War II.
As the war escalates and London faces the threat of bombings from Nazi Germany, Mrs. Henderson and Van Damm must navigate the challenges of keeping the theater open while ensuring the safety of their performers and patrons. They face opposition from government officials who seek to shut down the theater, citing moral concerns and wartime regulations.
In the climax of the film, tragedy strikes when the Windmill Theatre is bombed during a German air raid, resulting in the loss of lives and the destruction of the beloved venue. Despite the devastation, Mrs. Henderson and Van Damm refuse to be defeated, vowing to rebuild and carry on with their mission to entertain and uplift the spirits of the British people during their darkest hour.
In the end, the Windmill Theatre rises from the ashes and reopens its doors, symbolizing the resilience and indomitable spirit of the people of London. Mrs. Henderson’s vision and determination are celebrated, and the theater continues to thrive as a beacon of hope and inspiration in the face of adversity.
Overall, “Mrs. Henderson Presents” is a heartwarming and uplifting film that celebrates the power of art, creativity, and resilience in times of crisis. With its witty humor, memorable performances, and poignant storytelling, it offers a touching tribute to the indomitable human spirit and the transformative power of theater.