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Chicken Little

The story follows Chicken Little (voiced by Zach Braff), a young chicken who becomes the laughingstock of his town, Oakey Oaks, after mistakenly causing widespread panic by claiming that the sky is falling. Despite his efforts to prove his claim, Chicken Little struggles to gain the respect and trust of his peers, including his father, Buck Cluck (voiced by Garry Marshall).

As Chicken Little tries to move on from the embarrassing incident, he becomes determined to redeem himself and prove that he is not a joke. With the help of his friends, Abby Mallard (voiced by Joan Cusack), Runt of the Litter (voiced by Steve Zahn), and Fish Out of Water (voiced by Dan Molina), Chicken Little embarks on a series of misadventures to uncover the truth behind the mysterious “sky falling” incident.

Along the way, Chicken Little discovers that the “sky falling” incident was actually caused by an alien spacecraft that crash-landed in Oakey Oaks. The aliens, disguised as human pop stars, are planning to invade Earth by using mind-control devices hidden in their hit song.

With the town’s safety at stake, Chicken Little and his friends must find a way to stop the alien invasion and save the day. They devise a plan to expose the aliens’ true identities and thwart their nefarious scheme.

In the climax of the film, Chicken Little and his friends confront the aliens during a big school dance. With courage, wit, and teamwork, they manage to disable the mind-control devices and reveal the aliens’ true forms to the townspeople.

In the end, Chicken Little is hailed as a hero, finally earning the respect and admiration of his father and the entire town. He learns valuable lessons about bravery, friendship, and the importance of believing in oneself, while also proving that even the smallest of individuals can make a big difference.

Overall, “Chicken Little” is a heartwarming and humorous animated film that delivers an entertaining mix of adventure, comedy, and positive messages for audiences of all ages.

IMDb Rating

Chicken Little


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