As the haunting of the Bell family intensifies, particularly targeting the youngest daughter, Betsy Bell (played by Rachel Hurd-Wood), the family seeks answers and solutions to the terrifying occurrences plaguing their home. Strange and unexplained events continue to escalate, causing fear and distress among the family members.
Through a series of flashbacks and revelations, it’s unveiled that Betsy’s father, John Bell Sr. (played by Donald Sutherland), had sexually abused her, leading to deep-seated trauma and repressed memories within Betsy. The haunting is portrayed as a manifestation of Betsy’s anguish and anger, projected onto the world around her.
As Betsy confronts her father about the abuse, the supernatural occurrences reach a climax, with the ghostly manifestations becoming increasingly violent and malevolent. John Bell’s health deteriorates rapidly, and he eventually succumbs to the curse placed upon him by a local woman accused of witchcraft, Kate Batts (played by Sissy Spacek), whom he had wronged in the past.
In a twist, it’s suggested that the ghostly manifestations were not caused by a supernatural entity like the Bell Witch but were instead Betsy’s subconscious mind externalizing her trauma and seeking justice for the abuse she endured.
With John Bell’s death, the haunting comes to an end, and Betsy finds closure and peace after confronting the truth about her father’s actions. She is depicted as moving forward with her life, leaving the traumatic events behind her and finding a sense of resolution.
Overall, the ending of “An American Haunting” offers a complex blend of psychological horror and supernatural elements, exploring the themes of trauma, abuse, and the power of confronting one’s past to find healing and closure.