The movie begins with a new game orchestrated by the late Jigsaw Killer, John Kramer (Tobin Bell), and his apprentice, Detective Mark Hoffman (Costas Mandylor). William Easton (Peter Outerbridge), an executive at a health insurance company, wakes up to find himself trapped in a contraption that will slowly crush him to death unless he completes a series of tests related to his decisions as an insurance executive.
Meanwhile, Hoffman works to cover his tracks and maintain his secret identity as Jigsaw’s apprentice. He eliminates anyone who threatens to expose him, including FBI agents and fellow police officers.
As William progresses through his tests, it’s revealed that he had denied coverage for experimental treatments that could have saved the lives of several individuals, including John Kramer’s wife, Jill Tuck (Betsy Russell). John had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and sought help from William, but his claims were denied, leading to his wife’s death and his transformation into the Jigsaw Killer.
Throughout the film, flashbacks reveal more about John Kramer’s past and his motivations for becoming the Jigsaw Killer. It’s shown that he originally sought to help people appreciate their lives and make better choices, but his methods became increasingly twisted over time.
In the climax of the film, William reaches the final test, where he must choose between sacrificing himself or letting two of his employees die. He ultimately chooses to let them die, but he is unable to escape the contraption, and he is killed.
Meanwhile, Hoffman’s secret is jeopardized when Jill Tuck confronts him and reveals that she knows his true identity. In a twist ending, Hoffman is attacked and left for dead in the iconic reverse bear trap device by Jill, who reveals herself as the new Jigsaw apprentice.
“Saw VI” is another gruesome and suspenseful addition to the “Saw” franchise, delving deeper into the twisted mind of the Jigsaw Killer and exploring themes of morality, revenge, and the consequences of one’s actions.