The story follows Gary (Jason Segel), his brother Walter (a puppet), and Gary’s girlfriend Mary (Amy Adams). Walter has grown up idolizing the Muppets, who were a major part of his childhood. When the trio visits Los Angeles, Walter discovers that an evil oil tycoon named Tex Richman (Chris Cooper) plans to demolish the Muppet Theater to drill for oil.
Walter, Gary, and Mary embark on a mission to reunite the disbanded Muppets, who have gone their separate ways over the years. They seek the help of Kermit the Frog to organize a telethon to raise the funds needed to save the Muppet Theater.
The Muppets have moved on to different lives, with Fozzie Bear working in a tribute band, Miss Piggy as a plus-size fashion editor for Vogue Paris, and Gonzo running a successful plumbing business. Convincing each Muppet to join the cause proves challenging, but the gang eventually comes together for the greater good.
The climax of the film occurs during the Muppets’ telethon, where they must raise the required amount of money to save their beloved theater. Meanwhile, Tex Richman is determined to stop them from succeeding and carry out his plans.
As the telethon progresses, the Muppets face challenges, heartfelt moments, and a rekindling of their camaraderie. The film features several musical numbers, including the Oscar-winning song “Man or Muppet.”
In the end, the Muppets successfully raise the funds, thwarting Tex Richman’s plans. The Muppet Theater is saved, and the Muppets, having rediscovered their passion for performing, decide to continue making people happy.
“The Muppets” received critical acclaim for its humor, musical numbers, and nostalgic tribute to the beloved Muppets franchise. It successfully introduced the classic characters to a new generation while resonating with longtime fans.