The story is set in Antarctica and follows the adventures of Mumble (voiced by Elijah Wood), a young emperor penguin who is a talented tap dancer but struggles to fit in with the community that values singing. Mumble, along with his mate Gloria (voiced by Pink), has a son named Erik (voiced by Ava Acres).
Erik, unlike his father, is reluctant to dance and feels out of place in the penguin world. Meanwhile, the landscape of Antarctica is changing as a massive iceberg traps the Emperor penguins in their home. Mumble, Erik, and their friends embark on a journey to find help and, along the way, encounter new friends and foes.
The notable characters include Ramon (voiced by Robin Williams), a lovable Adelie penguin; Sven (voiced by Hank Azaria), a flying, flamboyant puffin; and Bryan the Beachmaster (voiced by Richard Carter), a large elephant seal.
The climax of the film revolves around the characters working together to find a solution to the trapped penguins’ predicament. Mumble and his friends face various challenges, including an elephant seal invasion and a massive krill swarm led by Will (voiced by Brad Pitt) and Bill (voiced by Matt Damon), two tiny krill with big aspirations.
In the end, the penguins and other creatures of Antarctica unite to create a path for the trapped penguins to escape. The film concludes with a celebration of unity, family, and the acceptance of different talents within the community.
“Happy Feet Two” is known for its vibrant animation, catchy musical numbers, and its message of cooperation and embracing diversity. While it received mixed reviews from critics, it is generally appreciated for its entertaining and visually impressive sequences.