The story revolves around Isabella Rossi (Fernanda Andrade), who travels to Italy to uncover the truth about her mother, Maria Rossi (Suzan Crowley). Maria had been institutionalized for murdering three people during an exorcism in which she was involved. The incident occurred when Isabella was a child.
Isabella is determined to understand what happened to her mother and whether she is truly possessed by demonic forces. She brings a documentary filmmaker named Michael (Ionut Grama) to capture her journey and the investigation.
Upon reaching Italy, Isabella and Michael connect with two priests, Ben Rawlings (Simon Quarterman) and David Keane (Evan Helmuth), who are performing unauthorized exorcisms after the Vatican suspended their authority. Isabella becomes a witness to these unconventional exorcisms, hoping to find answers about her mother’s condition.
As the group delves deeper into Maria Rossi’s case, they encounter disturbing and increasingly dangerous supernatural occurrences. The possession seems to be connected to multiple demonic entities, challenging the priests’ abilities to perform successful exorcisms.
In a climactic sequence, the film takes an unexpected turn during an attempted exorcism. The conclusion is left open-ended and ambiguous, as the movie concludes with text onscreen encouraging viewers to visit a website for further information on the case. The website, however, was a fictional creation, leaving audiences with an unresolved and unsettling conclusion.
“The Devil Inside” received mixed reviews from both critics and audiences. While some praised its tense and eerie atmosphere, others criticized the film for its abrupt ending and lack of resolution. The movie’s documentary style and use of found footage contributed to its polarizing reception.