As the narrative unfolds, President Lincoln faces numerous challenges in trying to pass the 13th Amendment. The Civil War is still ongoing, and there is resistance from both political opponents and members of his own party. Lincoln is determined to secure the necessary votes for the amendment before the war concludes.
In the climax, Lincoln uses all his political skills to sway members of the House of Representatives, including employing strategies to ensure Democratic support. He faces personal and political challenges, and the fate of the amendment hangs in the balance.
In the resolution, the film depicts the final vote on the 13th Amendment. The amendment passes, and slavery is officially abolished in the United States. The film ends with Lincoln leaving the White House to attend Ford’s Theatre, where he will ultimately be assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.
The ending of “Lincoln” is bittersweet, celebrating the historic achievement of the 13th Amendment while acknowledging the personal sacrifice and tragedy that followed for Lincoln. Daniel Day-Lewis’s portrayal of Lincoln earned widespread acclaim, and the film as a whole received critical praise for its historical accuracy and compelling storytelling.