As the narrative unfolds, the film follows the Nelson family, who experience strange and paranormal occurrences after a mysterious new neighbor, Robbie, and a strange woman, Katie, move in across the street. The family begins documenting the unusual events using surveillance cameras.
In the climax, the supernatural activity intensifies, and it becomes clear that Robbie and Katie are connected to the demonic presence that has haunted the franchise. Alex, the teenage daughter, discovers a mysterious symbol on her lower back, indicating a connection to the supernatural forces.
In the resolution, the demonic entity fully possesses Alex, leading to a series of violent and unsettling events. The family tries to escape, but the entity’s power is too strong. The film concludes with Alex killing her family members, and the demonic force taking control of her.
The ending of “Paranormal Activity 4” leaves a sense of dread and suggests that the demonic activity will continue with the possessed Alex. The film received mixed reviews, with some praising its scares and tension, while others criticized its reliance on familiar found footage tropes.