The story serves as a reboot of the Jack Ryan film series and follows Jack Ryan, a young Marine who is injured in Afghanistan. While recovering, Ryan is recruited by Thomas Harper (played by Kevin Costner), a high-ranking CIA official. Harper recognizes Ryan’s intelligence and recruits him to work undercover on Wall Street to investigate potential terrorist financing.
As Ryan uncovers suspicious financial transactions, he stumbles upon a terrorist plot involving Russian businessman Viktor Cherevin (played by Kenneth Branagh). The plot is to crash the U.S. economy by executing a terrorist attack on American soil.
The film combines elements of action and espionage as Ryan, with the help of his fiancŽe Cathy Muller (played by Keira Knightley), works to prevent the terrorist attack. The story takes the characters from New York to Moscow, unraveling a larger conspiracy that threatens global security.
In the climax, Ryan confronts Cherevin, leading to a high-stakes confrontation. The resolution involves thwarting the terrorist plot and ensuring the safety of innocent lives.
“Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit” received mixed reviews from critics, with praise for its action sequences and performances but criticism for its somewhat formulaic plot. The film aimed to modernize the Jack Ryan character for a new audience and introduce the iconic character to a younger generation.