The story revolves around three best friends in their twenties living in New York City: Jason (played by Zac Efron), Daniel (played by Miles Teller), and Mikey (played by Michael B. Jordan). When Mikey’s marriage falls apart after he discovers his wife’s infidelity, the trio makes a pact to stay single and enjoy their bachelorhood together.
As the friends navigate the dating scene, they find themselves facing various challenges in their personal and romantic lives. Jason meets Ellie (played by Imogen Poots) and struggles with the idea of transitioning from a casual relationship to something more serious. Daniel juggles casual relationships but begins to question his feelings for his close friend Chelsea (played by Mackenzie Davis). Meanwhile, Mikey attempts to reconcile with his estranged wife.
The film explores themes of commitment, communication, and the evolving dynamics of relationships. As the friends confront their own insecurities and fears, they discover the importance of honesty and vulnerability in matters of the heart.
In the climax, the friends face a series of revelations and confrontations that test the strength of their friendships and romantic connections. The resolution involves each character coming to terms with their feelings and making decisions about the direction of their relationships.
“That Awkward Moment” received mixed reviews from critics, with praise for the chemistry among the main cast but criticism for the formulaic nature of the romantic comedy genre. The film aimed to capture the challenges and awkward moments that often accompany romantic relationships, particularly in the context of the millennial dating scene.