Set in a near-future Detroit, where crime is rampant, the multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is seeking to introduce robotic law enforcement to restore order. Alex Murphy (played by Joel Kinnaman), a dedicated detective and family man, becomes the target of a car bomb planted by a criminal organization.
OmniCorp sees an opportunity to use Murphy as the test subject for their ambitious RoboCop program. Dr. Dennett Norton (played by Gary Oldman), a scientist working for OmniCorp, performs the operation that transforms Murphy into a cyborg law enforcement officer.
As RoboCop, Murphy retains fragments of his humanity, struggling to reconcile his new existence with memories of his past life. The film explores the ethical dilemmas surrounding the use of technology in law enforcement and the potential loss of humanity in the pursuit of justice.
RoboCop’s introduction to the streets leads to mixed public reactions. The plot delves into corporate interests, political manipulation, and the impact of technology on society.
In the climax, RoboCop uncovers a conspiracy within OmniCorp and seeks justice against those who manipulated him. The resolution involves a confrontation between RoboCop and the individuals responsible for his transformation.
The film reflects on the moral and ethical questions raised by advancements in technology, artificial intelligence, and the potential militarization of law enforcement. While the 2014 “RoboCop” received mixed reviews, some praised its modern take on the source material and its exploration of contemporary issues related to technology and morality.